Editorial Positions
2022-Present: Editor IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC) (URL)
2021-Present: Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on Smart, Optimal, and Explainable Orchestration
of Networks Slices in 5G and Beyond Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications
Magazine [Impact Factor (IF): 11.391]
2020-Present: Lead Guest Editor, Internet of Things (IoT) Magazine Special Issue on Combating
COVID-19 using IoT
2019-Present: Associate Editor, IEEE Access [Impact Factor (IF): 4.098]
2019-Present: Editor, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society [IF: not yet available]
2017-Present: Co-Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Computers and Applications
2017-Present: Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) [IF: 5.339]
2015-Present: Editor, IEEE Network Magazine [IF: 7.503]
2015: Guest Editor, Special Issue on "Information Integrity in Smart Grid Systems", Journal of Information Systems, Elsevier [IF: 3.286]. [URL]
2016-2018: Editor, IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal [IF: 9.515]
Guest Editor, Special Issue on“Wireless Network Intrusion”, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Elsevier [IF: 1.129], 2014. [URL]
2012-2013, 2019-Present: Editor, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN) [IF: 0.56]
Conference Committee Positions
2020: Steering Committee Member, SGIoT (EAI Conference Series), Taiwan
2020: Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member, SmartNets, Egypt
2019: Steering Committee Member, SGIoT, Taiwan
2018: Steering Committee Chair, SGIoT, Canada
2017: Steering Committee Chair, SGIoT, Canada
2017: TPC Member, TENCON
2016: TPC Member, IEEE SmartGridComm - Communications, Control
2016: TPC Member, APCC
2015: TPC Member, IEEE SmartGridComm - Architecture and Control
2015: TPC Member, IEEE GLOBECOM - Wireless Networks, Security
2015: TPC Member, HP3C - Wireless Sensor, Ad hoc and Mesh Networks
2014: TPC Member, IEEE SmartGridComm - Communications and Networks
2014: TPC Member, ICACCI
2014: TPC Member, IEEE WCNC
2014: TPC Member, IEEE GLOBECOM - Wireless Networks
2013: TPC Member, IEEE WCNC’13 - Networks
2013: TPC Member, PMCFN’13 in conjunction with ICCSA’13
2013: TPC Member, IEEE GC’13 – WN
2012: TPC Member, ICCVE’12
2012: TPC Member, PIMRC’12
2011: Co-Chair, WCSP’11 - Invited Session on Smart Grid
2011: TPC Member, ICC’11
2011: TPC Member, WCNC’11 - Network
2009: TPC Member, GC’09 - WNS
2009: TPC Member, GCC’09 - Communications and Signal Processing